

Roundtable on International Organisation and Global Leadership successfully held

Date:May 20, 2021     Click:     Source:

The leture on the International Organization and Global Leadership was successfully held on 19 May, 2021. As an important platform for global governance, international organisations such as the European Union are particularly important for their integration and leadership in the world in the face of complex and volatile international situations and the coexistence of multipolar forces. 

The roundtable was delivered by Dr. Du Yixiong, A/Prof. Zhang Nan and Dr. Jiang Feng'an, chaired by Prof. Zhang Tong. Prof. Fei Anling, Prof. Liu Jingkun and Dr. Yang Ziran mainly held the discussion. More than 30 master's and doctoral students also participated in the roundtable. The roundtable was funded by the EU's Jean Monnet Chair Programme.

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