

Roundtable on CAI and New Trade-related EU Initiatives: Opportunities and Challenges held

Date:May 27, 2021     Click:     Source:

The roundtable lecture on the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) and New Trade-related EU Initiatives: Opportunities and Challenges was successfully held on 26 May, 2021

The lecture was delivered by Prof. Ye Bin and chaired by Prof. Zhang Tong. Prof.Fei Anling, Prof. Zhang Shujing, Dr. Jiang Fengan, Dr. Yang Ziran and more than 30 master's and doctoral students conducted extensive and in-depth discussions on the core content, difficulties and significance of ratification of the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, as well as the latest progress of the EU's China-related economic and trade legislation, and analysed the impact of bilateral agreements and unilateral measures on China.The roundtable was funded by the EU's Jean Monnet Chair Programme.

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