First Name:尝颈产颈苍&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;
Family Name: XIE
Degree:Doctor(Hamburg University)
Title: Professor, Supervisor of Ph. D. and Master Students
October 2002 to June 2007: Hamburg University, Doctorate Studies
Major:German Public Law
Dissertation: Chinese and German Economic Constitutional Law
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Rolf Stober
September 1999to July 2002: China University of Political Science and Law
Major: Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
September 1995 to July 1999: English Department, Law Department of Tianjin University
Majors: English Literature (First Major);Law (Second Major)
Major Publications
I. Publications in Chinese
Xie Libin, On Constitutional Interpretation, Press of China University of Political Science and Law, 2014
Xie Libin (ed.), Sino-German Forum of Constitutional Law 2014, Press of Social Science Literature, 2014
? Xie Libin/Li Yi, Protection of Personal Data as Constitutional Property, in: Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics 2021 (5), pp. 128-139;
? Xie Libin/Li Yi, From Substance to Procedure: Organic Law of German Federal Parliament, in: Fazhi Shehui 2021 (4), pp. 116-126;
? Xie Libin, Interaction of Economic Law and Constitutional Law, in: China Law Review 2020 (2), pp. 88-100;
? Xie Libin, Dogmatic Interpretation of Constitutional Clause of Judicial Remedy, in: Shu Guoying (ed), Fa Li Nr. 5, Commerce Press 2019, pp. 13-29;
? Xie Libin, Constitutional Considerations of a Tax on Real Estate, in: Studies of Comparative Law 2019 (4), pp. 47-57;
? Xie Libin/Zhu Yeqing, Lessons of German Public Procurement Law for China, in: Public Procurement in China 2019 (1), pp. 75-78;
? Xie Libin, Original Legislative Powers of State Council, in: Zhengfa Luntan 2018 (6), PP. 100-109;
? Xie Libin/Li Yi, Is an Administrative Permit Property Protected by the Constitution?, in: Nanhai Faxue 2018 (6), pp. 22-31;
? Xie Libin, On the Sphere of Protection of Constitutional Property, in: China Legal Science 2014 (4), pp. 119 – 132;
? Xie Libin, On the Level of Legislative Guarantee of Basic Rights, in: Studies of Comparative Law 2014 (4), pp. 40-50;
? Xie Libin, Systematic Guarantee of Constitutional Social Rights, in: Zhejiang Social Sciences 2014 (5), pp. 40-50;
? Xie Libin, Constitution and Morals, in: Dushu 2012 (12);
? Xie Libin, Transformation of Picture of Man on Constitutional Law and its Realization in Law, in: Huadong Zhengfadaxue Xuebao 2012(6), pp. 121-126;
?Xie Libin, Determination of Conflict between Local and Central Legislation, in: Zhongzhou Xuekan 2012 (3), pp. 94-96;
? Xie Libin, Protection of Basic Rights through Courts, in: Faxuejia 2012(2), pp. 32-42;
? Xie Libin, Right to Work on China’s Constitutional Law, in: Fu Hualing, Zhu Guobin (Ed.), Constitutional Rights and Constitutionalism, Hong Kong University Press (2012), pp. 157-188;
? Xie Libin, Constitutional Basis for Public Participation, in: Faxue Luntan 2011(4), pp. 100 - 106
? Xie Libin, Duty to Protect as Requirements of Liberal Rights, in: Bijiaofa Yanjiu 2011 (1), pp. 35 - 42
? Xie Libin, Personal Dignity from the Perspective of Sino-German Comparative Constitutional law, in: Zhengfa Luntan 2010 Issue 4
? Xie Libin, Constitutionalization of Laws in Germany and its Lessons for China, in: Zhejiang Social Sciences, 2010 Issue 1
? Xie Libin, Regulation of Taxation through Property Clause - from the Perspective of Sino-German Comparative Constitutional Law, in: Taxation Research, 2009 Issue 6
? Translation: Economic Constitutional Law and Economic Constitutional Law, by Rolf Stober, published by Commercial Press in China in May 2008
II. Major Publications in German
? Verfassungskonforme Gesetzesauslegung durch Gerichte. Hoffnungsschimmer für die Verfassungsverwirklichung in China, in: Jahrbuch des ?ffentlichen Recht der Gegenwart, Band 71 (2023), s. 547-564.
? Innenansicht des chinesischen Verfassungsrechts, in: Christian von Bar/Yu-Cheol Shin/Michael Stolleis, Innenansichten des deutschen und ostasiatischen Rechts, Mohr Siebeck 2021, S. 85-102.
? Zur Realit?t und Normativit?t im chinesischen Verfassungsleben, in: Ritsumeikan Law Review No. 35 (International Edition, Oct. 2017), S. 41-50
? Privatautonomie in der chinesischen Verfassungsordnung, in: Marco Haase (Hrsg.), Privatautonomie, Nomos 2015.
? Infrastrukturbereitstellung durch Nichtregierungsorganisationen in China, in: Hans-J?rg Schmidt-Trenz/Rolf Stober (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Recht und ?konomik des Dritten Sektors 2013/2014, Nomos 2014.
? Der Dritte Sektor in China, in: VM (Verbandsmanagement), 3/2014
? Der Dritte Sektor und dessen Beaufsichtigung in der Volksrepublik China, in: Hans-J?rg Schmidt-Trenz/Rolf Stober (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Recht und ?konomik des Dritten Sektors 2009/2010(R?DS), Welche Aufsicht braucht der Dritte Sektor, Nomos 2010, S. 257-270.
? Chinesisches Wirtschaftsverfassungsrecht im ?berblick – aus der Perspektive des chinesisch-deutschen Rechtsvergleichs, in: Winfried Kluth/Martin Müller/Andreas Peilert (Hrsg.), Wirtschafts-Verwaltung-Recht, Festschrift für Rolf Stober, Carl Heymanns 2008, S. 821ff.
? Tagungsbericht: Sicherheitsgewerberecht in China und Deutschland an der China Universit?t für Politik und Recht, Beijing, in: Rolf Stober (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch des Sicherheitsgewerberechts 2008/2009, Verlag Dr. Kova?, Hamburg 2010, S. 211-213
Chinesisches und deutsches Wirtschaftsverfassungsrecht (Chinese and German Economic Constitutional Law), Carl Heymanns Publishing House, June 2007
Publications on Newspaper:
? September 3rd, 2004: GTZ in China (as Reader’s Letter), in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
? January 27th, 2006: Chinesische Richter (Chinese Judges, as Reader’s Letter) in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
III. Publications in English
? Xie Libin/Haig Patapan, Carl Schmitt in China, in: Contemporary Political Theory, 2023.
? Xie Libin, Protection of Personal Data as Property in the Chinese Constitutional Order, in: Masahisa Deguchi/Kimio Yakushiji (ed.), Europe and Asia as a Legal Area for Fundamental Rights, Springer 2023, pp. 105-114.
? Xie Libin/Haig Patapan, Schmitt Fever: The use and abuse of Carl Schmitt in contemporary China. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2020(1): 130-146.
? Xie Libin/Haig Patapan, Contesting Legitimacy in China: The politics of Law in Modern Chinese Jurisprudence, in: Hong Kong Law Journal Part 3, 2016 (coauthored with Haig Patapan)
? Xie Libin, What is Constitutional Property in China?, in: CHINA-EU Law Journal (2015) 4.
? Xie Libin, The Binding Force of the Chinese Constitution as a Source of Legitimacy, in: European-Asian Journal of Law and Governance, 2012, Nr. 1, pp. 62-74.
Selected Presentations and Lectures
Jan. 24th, 2014, Aktuelle Konstitutionalismusdebatte in China, Law School of Freiburg University, Germany
Dec. 9th, 2013, Democracy and Rule of Law in China, Law School of Copenhagen University, Denmark
Nov. 29th, 2013, Bereitstellung der Infrastruktur durch Dritter Sektor in China, Handelskammer Hamburg, Germany
Nov. 21st, 2013, Normativit?t der chinesischen Verfassung, Law School of Thammasat University, Thailand
Jun. 13rd, 2012, Grundrechte in China —— Gegenw?rtige Praxis und Entwicklungsperspektiven, K?ln University, Germany
Nov. 24th, 2009, Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungstendenzen der chinesischen Verfassung, Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Nov. 27th, 2009, Dritter Sektor und dessen Aufsicht in China, Handelskammer Hamburg, Germany
Working Experiences
From March 2012: Sino-German Institute of Law (Director), China University of Political Science and Law
July 2007 to March 2012: Constitutional Law Institute, Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
April to July 2007(Summer Semester): Law School, Hamburg University, Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter), Course offered in German language: Introduction to Chinese Law
Feburary 2006 to January 2007 Economic Law Institute, Hamburg University, as Research Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Language Skills
German/English: proficient
French: basic
? Swimming:Holder of DLRG(German Lifeguard Association) Silver Certificate
? Badminton
? Classic Music: trombonist of Univeristy Orchestra (1995 to 1999)